Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barrack Hussein Obama

The Samurai has been observing Obama closely for the last 6 months. The rise of  the young, charismatic and intellectual Barrack Obama has been nothing short of inspiring. The way he has motivated crowds, gathered money for his campaign, he became a symbol of hope not only for the african-american community or Americans, but for the entire world. His popularity cuts across race, religion or nationality.  And as he took oath today as the most powerful man on earth, one could not help but wish the man good luck!! 

He appears to have a plan and a backup for just about everything. His south asia policy however still looks a little iffy. Whether his lack of foreign policy experience will be exposed  in handling rogue south asian nations  or for that matter the west bank, ghaza crisis - only time will tell. How he handles economy will again be a key parameter indicating the difference between promises and results. Will he? Will he not? There is hope all around...

One just wishes maybe our leaders also rose above partisan, divisive politics and take a leaf out of his book. The way this country respects its soldiers is an eye opener. Being an army officer's kid, it is just hurting when one sees the callousness by the way our army is treated. One just gets a feelign its not for no reason that america is one of the greatest nations in the world. We are no less, but we really need to learn.....Maybe its eloquent speeches with sharp messages that has led the Samurai to take barrack for his word, but all said and done, the man definitely has something special in him......Go Obama!


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Greed is Good....Satyam

An unfortunate story again..... The reactions are pretty much as expected.... Everyone out with their own judgements... The anti-outsourcing lobby trying to make it an Indian Outsourcing fiasco rather than an isolated incident.... SEBI and others washing their hands off it.... The directors claiming innocence....Every Tom Dick and Harry out with a version of their own....Some coming out with "Raju Poems and limericks"....The samurai certainly is not a fan of all of this.

I mean seriously, if anything it is sad.... maybe we all need to look into ourselves and ask oneself if there is a little Satyam within each one of us.....Almost all of us do.. this ladies and gentlemen is not about an individual or a company or an industry also, it is about moral degradation of society as a whole.... Its almost like the Michael Douglas in Wall Street....( "Greed is Good" ) streak in all of us that is coming to the fore. The Bernie Madoffs' and Rajus' of the world are merely carrying it out at a larger scale.... May sound idealistic but maybe its time we all thought about improving ourselves and at things around us... the world would definitely be a better place to be in....

So much about idealism... Infosys has strongly come out with a statement saying that we should not go after Satyam clients and staff. While i am sure there may be other reasons, but to let go of an opportunity like this is indeed something which speaks volume of Infosys top management....Maybe we all need to take a leaf out of their book .... My respect for some of our leaders just continues to grow.....

I guess the samurai will have to end the ramblings here......For now! :)

The Samurai...