Friday, August 12, 2005

Well, I just sent an email to lots of people trying to do some viral marketing for my blog. And then this thought occured to me. Buddy!! you have just a solitary post. No one knows anything about whats happening with you.

So Ladies and Gentlemen Here goes life@K

A typical day starts at 8:00 AM with a desperate bang on the door from either Simon/Arjun/Siddhartha...Wake up bhanu!! Gotta go.. You have a class.. Yours truly gets up groggy and red - eyed. One look at the watch and its a race against time.. Quick the manager starts making his first decision.. Hey ! do i shave / take a bath / have breakfast / do neither / do some and not others.... Tough one eh!
But better sense prevails.. without any probability distributions or estimations that one comes up with everyday during the QM class..... decisions are taken and the first deadline 9:00AM class is met.

The first hour is the toughest for me. I am still slow.. trying to comprehend whats happening around me. Luckily, the proffs are good and i somehow manage to shake it off. 1:30 pm ..Hurrah!! Lunch time.... Hmmm...

Hey there is something i am missing...Yes there is this thing at the back of the head... the assignments or the problem sets have been loaded on the public folder.. I need to submit them... Hmmm.... Decision time.... where do i start???

Well.. without getting into the gory details of how and when i manage what...its for the first time i have realised the importance of time.... There are times in the day when i end up questioning myself..Hellllloooo!! What do you think you are trying to do...You dont have time .. don't waste it..the more i waste it.. the lesser i'll end up with sleep......

You know what people.. just before i decided to setup this blog.. a noble soul warned me..... BLOGGING IS ADDICTIVE.... and i said.. don't worry dude...that would not impact someone with immense self control..... Hehehehe.... I think i'll go to sleep. The question about time in the previous paragraph is back again to haunt me.... What am i doing... Its 2 in the night!!!

So friends..this is where i sign off for the day... more about life@K will keep coming...Let me know your views..


1 comment:

Jean Matthews said...

Hey Bhanu .....nice one ....great flow of language and choice of words......itz like ur speaking ur mind favorite one is the dead line part .....Time management is certainly not my biggest strength either :))....keep blogging .....
