Monday, December 04, 2006

Find out what you really want. Then find its cost. And pay it!!

Sorry if this sounds like plagiarism... but read this on Monty's blog and the thought just stuck in my head!! Have not read a truer thought in a few days.... There will be times in life when you will know what you want.... be ready to pay the price for it...and still not get it. Do not get bogged down... Do not let the chips down...Coz trust me, there is something better in store for you. But. if you get what you wanted, be humble about it, cause humility takes you a long way... Arrogance might win you a few admirers, humility will win you friends!! :-) Sometimes its the difference between success and excellence... My experience at Wipro taught me that!! Funny learn at every stage in life.... Just when you think that yeah there's not much i can learn from these get humbled!! BTW - the wipro ppo is in :)

Success and failure happen to all. Ebbs and tides are a part of life....Just that some days you are on the sunny side of it and some days you are not!! So the secret sauce of the samurai is to lie low and wait for the tide to pass over...somehow last night was wonderful.....nothing spectacular happened...but somehow i thot i got my zing back!! Lets be honest was a bit low on a few things in life lately and then thanks to efforts of Pinks (u'll always be number one), DG,Johny, Nikki, VD,FM,Motu,Sam,pawan,sid and mom...i feel so much better... thanks just learn of your blessings when you face tough times... What feels good is that the cat is on the prowl again...and you bet there's no stopping it this time!! The focus is back..the fire is back!! Lord save you now people :)

Watch out for the samurai!!

The salvation lies within!! ;)

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